
Recipe for Redesign: Your Guide to Kitchen Remodeling

Ready for a new look to your kitchen? Remodeling allows a custom build from the ground up. Read on for our guide on kitchen remodeling.

Is your kitchen causing you to prefer to order out than stay in and cook? It might be time to change things up.

Kitchens are one of the most popular rooms to remodel and can add a significant amount to your home value. You can expect a 60% to 80% return on your investment when it comes to the kitchen.

Spice up your kitchen with kitchen remodeling! Keep reading for a guide on kitchen redesign.

Set Your Budget

Decide what your budget is. There is a low, mid, and high range in terms of kitchen remodeling options. Your contracting company can help you get a quote after you’ve decided on what your goals are.

You should budget for additional costs as well. This is usually about 10-20% of your budget. Always make sure your budget is up to your standards. You don’t want to end up with a kitchen that is half-finished or end up taking out a loan.

What’s Your Goal?

Think about what your goal is. Each person may be in a different situation. Are you planning to sell after this kitchen remodel? If so, research some of the most popular trends and what people are looking for when buying.

Are you already in your forever home and looking to build your dream kitchen? Find some kitchen remodeling ideas that best fit your interests and go for it.

If you’re not sure whether you’ll be selling in the future or not, try to keep it simple but meet your standards at the same time.

Furthermore, think ahead. Are you planning to grow your family or host great parties? Build your kitchen to fit your lifestyle as well.

Quality Is Vital

Always shoot for high-quality materials. Spending that extra money will get you the best looking products and the most durable. This helps increase the lifespan of your kitchen and adds the most value to your home. You won’t have to go through another renovation process.

Planning the Layout

Your contractor can help you make sure that your kitchen is up to code and meets safety standards. Much of the design will be up to you. Beyond design, you have to keep in mind functionality. Here are some things to consider when planning your kitchen redesign.


Make sure that you have enough counter space for your needs. Also, consider if you’re interested in an island. Think about those small features you like too such as a built-in cutting board.


Is there enough walking space? You don’t want to feel too cramped inside your kitchen. Consider if there is enough room for people to move around one another while completing tasks.


Remember to leave room for opening and closing doors on your appliances. This can be super frustrating when you can’t fully open your refrigerator because it was put too close to a wall or feature.


Your first thought when coming up with kitchen modeling ideas is probably based on looks. Think about functionality after you have an idea of what you want the kitchen style to be.


Consider beautiful but practical flooring. Durable flooring is essential in the kitchen. Furthermore, consider what kind of flooring you have currently and if it runs under cabinets and appliances. You might have a tricky patch missing if they don’t.

Kitchen Remodeling Befitting a Chef

Kitchen remodeling is a great option when you’re unhappy with your current area or when you’re thinking of selling. If you need help with your kitchen remodel, contact us for help!